Previously on Midlife Crisis Crossover:
It’s that time again! This weekend my wife and I made another journey up to Wizard World Chicago in scenic Rosemont, IL, where we found ample enjoyment and new purchases alongside peers and aficionados of comics and genre entertainment. A few guest cancellations dampened our spirits somewhat, but we persevered and enjoyed our couple’s outing anyway, especially since Anne’s entire weekend admission was free as a consolation prize given to her and a couple thousand other fans after David Tennant’s last-minute cancellation last year.
Now that site traffic has subsided to its normal insignificant levels and all our visitors and new acquaintances have retreated to their respective internet corners, we wrap our miniseries with one last photo gallery in honor of what it’s all about: all that stuff around the convention. Everywhere we walk in an exhibit hall, we’re surrounded by millions or nifty items , whether for sale or for display only. Two organizations in particular brought their finest collections to entertain, to educate, to raise funds, and/or to treat fans to deeper glimpses into revered elements from their favorite fictional multiverses.
The good Doctor-fearing folks at Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey are no strangers to WWC, and brought a different selection of backdrops and statues than they did last year. Doctor Who has no shortage of aliens or environments to choose from when it comes to decorating for any special occasion.
In another exhibit hall was a special array of movie props courtesy of a fan-run nonprofit called The Horror & Sci-Fi Prop Preservation Association. As the name implies, they’re trying to do for decaying, neglected film props what Martin Scorsese and friends have done in the past for decaying, neglected films. We’ve seen more than our share of pop culture exhibits in museums, but not all parts of Hollywood have been treated with reverence or stored carefully after their days on set were over. This particular weekend, they were raising funds for the purpose of restoring parts of John Candy’s 30-year-old Barf costume from Spaceballs that are looking mangy and falling to pieces. It’s hard not to look when a booth is begging all passersby to “Help Save Barf”.
…and of course there was more more MORE from the hundreds of vendors in the house. Curiously, though Wizard World decided against using the second floor of the Stephens Center this year, the overall booth turnout was nonetheless strong. At times a lot more fans could be found hanging out in the lobby for cosplay-chasing purposes than shopping in the halls, but we tried to do our part for the geek economy where we could. And for those times when we didn’t, at least we never lacked for not-boring things to ogle.
We conclude with the last scene we saw before retreating to the Sky Bridge and calling it a wrap on Wizard World Chicago 2018. At left, the locked and unneeded second-floor Hall G. At right, a con volunteer wrestling Deadpool’s giant inflatable unicorn up the stairs.
The End. Thanks for reading! Depending on the guest list, maybe we’ll see you next year?
Other chapters in this special MCC miniseries:
Part 1: Marvel and DC Cosplay!
Part 2: Movie Cosplay!
Part 3: Last Call for Cosplay!
Part 4: Ghostbusters!
Part 5: Who Else We Met, What Else We Did